To Family And Friends Choosing To Ignore My Child’s Existence On Social Media
Oct 02, 2019
From Still Standing Magazine:
Founded in 2012, Still Standing Magazine, LLC, shares stories from around the world of writers surviving the aftermath of loss,...
400 Years of Inequity: A Call to Action Summit, November 8-9, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Cleveland Public Auditorium
Oct 02, 2019
The YWCA Greater Cleveland and First Year Cleveland (FYC) will be hosting a two-day summit, 400 Years of Inequity: A Call to Action, November 8-9, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Cleveland Public Auditorium. The Summit is dedicated to...
Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality (OCPIM) Quarterly Meeting -- Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019 from 10am to 1pm at the Cleveland Public Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio
Oct 01, 2019
From Toledo to Cleveland, we are preparing for the next face-to-face Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality (OCPIM) Quarterly Meeting, Thursday, November 7, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Cleveland Public Auditorium, 500...
Moving the Needle on Health Equity: Two Experts Share Successful Programs and Lessons Learned
Aug 05, 2019
August 21, 2019, 1-2 p.m. ET
Interested in learning how children’s health programs and organizations can move the needle on health equity? This webinar will share strategies to tap from two health equity experts: Arthur James, MD, and...
Safe to Sleep® 2019 SIDS Awareness Month #SafeSleepSnap Toolkit
Aug 05, 2019
The Safe to Sleep® campaign invites you to participate in this year’s #SafeSleepSnap photo activity for SIDS Awareness Month. We appreciate your commitment to safe infant sleep practices and to raising awareness about safe sleep...
Progesterone Messaging Toolkit now available to help reduce risk of premature birth and infant mortality
Aug 05, 2019
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) is pleased to announce the availability of the Progesterone Messaging Toolkit available at . This toolkit is designed to provide Credible Messengers, such as home visitors,...