Community Health Forums

The Baby 1st Network conducts community health forums throughout Ohio in conjunction with partners who have a vested interest in improving the birth outcomes for all Ohio residents. These forums are conducted in areas where the disparity of infant mortality among African Americans is the highest. This collaborative strives to inform the community on the disparate statistics and the impact infant mortality has on the nation, state, and their community. 

Our objectives are to:

  1. Document community-based and community-engaged approaches to planning and implementing community health forums focusing on Black infant mortality.
  2. Record feedback from minority communities in Ohio regarding Black infant mortality.
  3. Highlight the importance of state, regional, and community partnerships to execute successful community-based health forums.

Our goal is to increase awareness of the impact of infant mortality on Ohio’s African American population by providing an opportunity to engage participants from their local communities. Open dialogue is encouraged among non-traditional leadership to support and empower communities to save the lives of their babies.