Register Today for Our 2017 SIDS Risk Reduction & Infant Safe Sleep Educational Workshop
Dec 16, 2016
The Baby 1st Network is pleased to announce our upcoming 2017 SIDS Risk Reduction and Infant Safe Sleep Educational Workshops presented by the Ohio Department of Health and Baby 1st Network.
We hope to see you at one of our two statewide training workshops that will be held on March 30th in Akron and April 6th in Columbus. Learn from the experts about the impact of SIDS and SUID; risk factors and racial disparities; recommendations for infant safe sleep and SIDS risk reduction; role of the hospital nurse educator; and role of the home visitor. You will also hear a personal story from a SUID parent and learn about the impact an infant death has on families. Please check your calendars and register today for this free workshop.
Learn more and register today!