
Infant Safe Sleep Mini-Grants are Available!

Jan 25, 2017

The Baby 1st Network is pleased to announce that we are offering the opportunity to apply for the second round of our Infant Safe Sleep Mini-Grant Program.  We created this program to provide funding to neighborhood and community groups for outreach projects to reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death in the state of Ohio. The purpose of the mini-grant program is to increase community participation in sharing the infant safe sleep message throughout the state in an effort to reduce sleep related infant deaths.

Funds are to be used for educational initiatives in the state of Ohio that work to promote infant safe sleep practices and increase public awareness regarding the impact of sleep-related infant deaths, and ways to reduce these incidences.  The mini-grants awards will not exceed $500. The deadline to apply is May 16, 2017 with projects taking place between June 9 – August 28, 2017.

Learn more and apply today!

This program is made possible through the longstanding, continuous support from eight families who hold annual fundraising events in memory of their babies.  The Baby 1st Network appreciates and recognizes these families and their events; A Night to Remember Memorial Benefit Reverse Raffle, Annual Nolan P. Fisher Golf Outing, Annual Corbin Hastings Memorial Day Ride/Run, Annual Laura Elizabeth Pease Memorial Golf Outing, Annual Brianna Dawn Tully Memorial Golf Outing, Annual SIDS Golf Benefit, Annual Justin Prestage Golf Outing and Auction and the Annual Grant's SIDS 5k Run/Walk.